CWC Podcast
In 2014, I set out to do something I’d always believed was impossible for me: achieve a healthy life balance with food, fitness, and myself. After many years of trial and error, I finally found a system that works for me, and started "Community With Caroline," changing the course of my own life, but most importantly, enabling me to help change the lives of thousands of other people as well. Join me as I candidly discuss all aspects of the “fitness” industry, my journey to food freedom, my struggles with breast implant illness, OCD, and more. I have open and honest dialogues with healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, mentors, celebrities, bestsellers, polyamorists, coaches, and some of my personal heroes!
CWC Podcast
I can see Clearly Now
On this week's episode of the CWC podcast I talk about validating yourself, boundaries, the importance of daily habits, how making changes can be easy, and how you have to step outside of the storm you are in before you can really see things clearly. I truly hope you can take at least one thing from this episode, and am always available to hear your own experiences and as they relate to mine.