CWC Podcast

Twitchy Witch

Caroline / Twitchy Witch

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On this week's episode of the CWC podcast I am talking with Elianne El-amyouni, you may know her as the "Twitchy Witch" on social media. Elianne's mother is a reader of dreams, and her father is a shamanic healer. She has been something of an alchemist since she was born, and ended up studying symbolism, alchemy, and dreams in university. She wrote her masters on the connections between alchemy, dream analysis, and modern poetry, and is currently writing a phd on the role of music (particularly hip-hop) in the expression of palestinian political identity. 

I found Elianne on TikTok about a month ago, and booked a tarot reading with her. During my reading I was amazed at how comfortable I felt with her, as well as the accuracy of my reading. I invited her on the podcast and was so happy she said yes! During our conversation she was recalling a prophetic dream she had, which led us to discuss the rising and falling of empires and how that relates closely to what we are seeing today in America. I left feeling incredibly humbled, grateful, and connected to her. 

Follow Elianne, book a tarot reading, or check out her book "Quickies," which is a collection of her thoughts during a period of severe depression and substance abuse(my personal favorite.)

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