CWC Podcast

Today I'm talking with Registered Dietitian, Michelle Yates

Caroline / Michelle Yates

This week on the CWC podcast I am talking with Registered Dietitian, Michelle Yates. Michelle has a masters in health psychology, specializing in eating disorders and disordered eating. She has worked in hospitals, outpatient ed treatment, and is now coaching women online to overcome things like binge eating, emotional overeating, all or nothing thoughts with food, and getting off the diet roller coaster once and for all. I found her on TikTok after we both made similar videos in response to the viral "mustard trend" and how dangerous it is. We are both here to answer any questions you all have, and if you are struggling with any of the things we mentioned in today's episode please reach out to Michelle or myself. 
You can find her on IG at: Yatesnutrition or on her website at